
The hall measures 13.5 m by 10.6 m, with a high ceiling and wooden floor, making it suitable for markets, parties, receptions, conferences and small exhibitions.

Attached to the hall there is a fully fitted modern kitchen that can also be hired.

There are 20 large GOPAK tables and 120 plastic chairs for use within the hall.  A piano can also be made available.

The hall looking from the far end towards the entrance doorway, with the serving hatch closed
The hall looking from the far end towards the entrance doorway, with the serving hatch closed
The hall looking from the far end towards the entrance doorway, with the serving hatch and door into the kitchen open
The hall looking from the far end towards the entrance doorway, with the serving hatch and door into the kitchen open
Kitchen from hall doorway, showing alternative entrance in top right
Kitchen from hall doorway, showing alternative entrance in top right
Kitchen looking towards the hall, with door and serving hatch open
Kitchen looking towards the hall, with door and serving hatch open


All enquiries should be sent to our Lettings Secretary.